Government Disregarding Alternative Treatments
It appears that everybody in regime frees himself superior to the rest at judgment and cognizance. There’s not any telling just how much propitious, and of course vital, study and cognizance are dropped as a consequence of the haughty whims of those few who believe themselves the elite among people, simply about the substructure of having engineered themselves into a place of puissance. A illustration of this arrogance is represented from the fiasco circumventing research to marijuana’s health advantages.
National Institute of Health funded research at Medical College of Virginia show the contention that marijuana damages the immune system. The NIH has been destined to become disappointed in funding this study – that they taken at themselves. As opposed to bolstering proof of the contention and getting attestation, the NIH individuals were exasperated to find out that the MCV researchers discovered that the active ingredient in cannabis, THC slowed the recurrence of three types of cancer.
Because this failed miserably in strengthening the program’s case against marijuana, in their opinion the most noxious of all weeds, and actually proved only the antithesis, the DEA came charging into the fray, banners flying, trumpets blaring. They stop the operation of the Virginia research.
To not be outdone in the public attack to a subsidiary albeit frequently misused plant and material, President Gerald Ford got on the bandwagon and place a terminus to each of cannabis research while simultaneously granting that right only into the maniacally delectated pharmaceutical sector.
In lodging to deep lobbying and reception of enormous campaign donations, the Reagan/Bush administration strived to convince American Universities and investigators to ravage all the cannabis research work, including compendiums in libraries. They were booming. Immensely magnitudes of data have vanished.
However, all this negative attempt is similar to trying to enlarge the sunrise. The truth keep cropping up despite vested fascinates’ attempts to bury them. Another attestation of the cancer fighting centers of marijuana emerged from Madrid. Researchers there’d eradicated encephalon cancer tumors in rats by injecting them. This corroborated the Virginia study.
Government scared of losing income from pharmaceutical companies so they want people to believe only the scientific processes they can get to cure a particular disease. Marijuana, CBD, THC, dry herb, compared to treatments from hospitals are cheaper and proven less toxic for a patient. They do want people to depend on so they make ways to stop researches about it.