Politics In The Workplace: Jackety Solar Business
Political activity in the workplace is permitted for employees as long as they do not violate their contractual obligations. Civil servants, on the other hand, have to remain neutral on duty. Even outside of work, you have to observe the rule of moderation.
Political activity at Jackety generator office
Although the principle of freedom of expression applies, political activity in the workplace is only permitted to a limited extent. This applies to Jackety Explorer 1000 review (Jackery Explorer 1000 Testbericht) office employees as well as employers.
Political activity by employees
There is no direct ban on political activity for employees. However, they are obliged to protect the interests of the employer. You are therefore not allowed to do anything to disturb the peace in the company. Workers involved in political activities at work should consider the following:
- Political statements that are racist or discriminatory have no place in the workplace. They may also constitute offenses of insult.
- Employees are allowed to express their political opinions. However, they should not instigate political disputes and discussions.
- Working hours are basically for work. Taking a break from work for political activity is not permitted.
- Employees may not use any of the employer’s materials for the purpose of political activity.
- If the employee has a contact at work with people outside the company, such as customers or suppliers, he must exercise political restraint towards them.
Political activity outside of work is usually a private matter. However, it becomes problematic if the employee wears his uniform at political events, such as a demonstration. In this case, the employee associates the entire company with a certain political affiliation.
Political activity at work: employer and works council
Employers and works councils must refrain from political activities at work for or against a party. Party political activity can take many forms. The following activities are prohibited:
- Distribution of party information material
- Oral, written, visual or digital advertising
- Votes
- Signature collections
- Party political posters or stickers
Political activity and community service
A non-profit corporation usually pursues its purpose outside of political events. If such a body influences the political opinion of the public, this cannot be combined with its non-profit character. In this case, one recognizes its charitable status. There is an exception if the main purpose of the corporation can only be achieved through political activity.