Bats are large animals which are essential part of the environment and our ecosystem. But they only become a problem when they decide to use an attic or other part of a house or building as a colony for sleeping or breeding. If you want them out of your home, contact bat removal Houston.
Most people do not tolerate this idea very well, and bats need to be scared off and the structure repaired as necessary to prevent them from entering in the future. The accumulation of their droppings can cause health problems, odors, and insects, which is the main reason why bats should be excluded from a structure managed by a wildlife control company.
As they are nocturnal animals and mostly very quiet, they tend to use attics for years before the smell of excrement deposits makes us aware of their presence. Bats often enter attics by sliding into the space between the roof overhang and the exterior tile.
If bats are inside your home it probably means that you probably have bats on your walls or in your attic. The first time bats fly around your home, and there is usually a slight chance that they will enter through an open door or window, which can be dismissed as an isolated occurrence. But if this happens repeatedly, we can safely say that you have some bats in your house.
Baby Bats Seasons
Baby bats are born in early summer. They are very small and have little hair. Sometimes when their mothers go to dinner, unsupervised babies explore the walls and attic, get lost and end up in the house because they have fallen through small holes in the house. Baby bats become mobile in late summer and, without much experience, are lost more often than adults.
White Nose Syndrome
Small brown bats are known to roam between attics, where they spend spring and summer, and caves, where they hibernate. Unfortunately for brown bats, they are nearly extinct as white-nose syndrome, found in caves and mines, and has killed millions throughout North America.
White-nose syndrome is caused by the growth of fungi that cling to hibernating bats in abandoned caves and mines. The fungus attaches itself to bats, forcing them out of hibernation, causing them to prematurely deplete their winter fat stores, leading to their death. Small brown bats are often associated with roosting on houses and buildings in rural areas.
Finally, the reason why bats you decided to start a colony in your home because it gives them a stable and safe environment to live, mate, and raise their young. Bats only need a huge opening to enter an attic. Any small crack or crevice between building materials could be an intrusion. Regardless of the age or condition of the house, there is a possibility of bats entering.