Today, many people are concerned about politics and how it impacts their lives. Basically, it affects not only the citizens of the country but also, businesses of every kind from product supplier, manufacturing plants and so forth.
Politics are also discussed on various platforms social media to regular news programs, people are interested in understanding how the political system works and what affects different policies have on the average person.
How Significant is Politics in Society?
Politics has a significant impact on our everyday lives because it directly influences what kind of world we live in.
Political decisions made by government officials, lawmakers, and leaders impact everything from education to healthcare to criminal justice and more. Keep reading to understand how politics affects you every day and its brief history!
How is Politics Leading our Future?
We can see the influence of politics in our daily lives in many different ways. The quality of the public school or university your children attend, the health care you are able to access, and the way the police enforce laws and handle cases of local crime are all directly affected by the political decisions made by lawmakers and government officials.
- Education: The quality of public education depends on the budget available to schools and the level of political influence wielded by teachers’ unions. In some countries, politics has had a significant impact on what is being taught in schools.
- Healthcare: The quality of healthcare and costs associated with it are heavily impacted by government decisions about how much to spend on the system and how healthcare providers are compensated for their work.
- Crime and criminal justice: the laws governing criminal justice — including the types of crimes that are prioritized for prosecution, the methods of punishment employed, and the ways in which people are supervised after completing their sentences — are decisions made by politicians at the federal or state level.
Historical Background of Politics
The earliest recorded examples of political rule are found in Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and India, where the origins of modern democracy and the concepts of social justice can be traced as far back as 3,000 BC.