How Poor Countries Are Being Snatched From Vaccines
Many of us are looking forward to the fair distribution of Covid-19 vaccines. Companies like Towing Company San Jose would like to receive vaccines for their employees too and are still waiting for policies on how to go about it.
This convergence of public and private interests in vaccine distribution underscores the critical need for comprehensive guidelines and transparent policies that ensure an efficient and just rollout. As the Covid-19 vaccination drive progresses, it is imperative for authorities to address the concerns of businesses, like Towing Company San Jose, who are eager to protect their staff and play a role in the broader community’s immunity.
The development of clear vaccination schedules, eligibility criteria, and distribution channels for businesses is not only crucial for maintaining a healthy workforce but also for reinvigorating the economy. As we collectively look forward to the fair distribution of Covid-19 vaccines, it’s essential for policymakers to engage with the business sector to create a collaborative approach that ensures a swift, equitable, and effective vaccination campaign, benefiting both individuals and the overall recovery of the nation.
Europe secures hundreds of millions of Covid-19 vaccine doses. At the same time, there is a shortage of US $ 28 billion in UN programs that are also supposed to give developing countries access.
You’d think that the coronavirus doesn’t know the difference between rich and poor. And yet the corona pandemic hits the wealthy and the poor, states and people, very differently. Some decisions that are celebrated in this country as a success in the fight against the pandemic could even exacerbate the situation in other parts of the world.
Vaccines: a scarce and sought-after commodity
The EU has already secured 300 million vaccine doses of the Pfizer Biotech candidate. In addition, 300 million cans from AstraZeneca and 160 million from the manufacturer Moderna. The picture is similar in the USA; in Great Britain, the first vaccinations will start next week.
- Anja Langenbucher, Europe Director of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, criticized this in a video conference with press representatives opposite ZDFheute:
- The first world covers three to four times the amount of vaccines it actually needs at this point in time. You are just about to supply yourself.If rich states want to get herd immunity as soon as possible, there won’t even be enough left for the poor to protect clinic staff and risk groups, so the concern. Only a quarter of an important UN program is funded
- Together with other partners, the Gates Foundation is currently investing hundreds of millions of euros in vaccine manufacturers and global organizations to guarantee a fairer distribution of corona vaccines worldwide. But they are running out of time.
- While many industrialized countries are signing contracts with manufacturers and thus blocking production capacities for the next few months, Act-A, the central program of the World Health Organization (WHO) to fight the pandemic, is urgently looking for funding.
- The initiative needs 38 billion US dollars by the end of 2021. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres wants to deliver at least two billion vaccine doses according to a global distribution key. So far, only 9.8 billion US dollars have been committed and, like many UN projects, Act-A is now affected by drastic underfunding.
Ex-Foreign Minister Gabriel calls for fair vaccine distribution. Germany should take a leading role here, said the former German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD), who also took part in the video conference.
“My Nation First” virus has spread
The coronavirus is a fire accelerator for crises in many low-income countries and many of them are facing unsolvable tasks. For him, Germany is in a privileged position: “It makes you uncomfortable, which is already causing concern in our society. That there are mass demonstrations when a face mask is to be worn.”