Social media and the influence on the formation of political opinion

Facebook has over 2 billion active users per month, which corresponds to around 30% of the world’s population. These figures make it clear what reach social media can achieve. People can reach شركة نقل عفش easily because of social media. As a result, communication via social media can also have a strong influence on politics and especially democracies.

Social media and politics

Fake news, social bots, and filter bubbles can influence the formation of political opinions. Populists already know how to use these phenomena for themselves in order to manipulate opinions and gain reach. It is therefore essential to find solutions to counteract a possible threat to democracy and a one-sided influence on the formation of opinion through social media.

Of course, social media principles can also be positive for democracy. Parties and politicians are close to the opinions of users via social media and can discuss with them directly. This gives users the feeling that they are really being heard. The ways are short.

The role of media literacy

With the help of social media, the previous journalistic communication of content can be completely bypassed and direct contact can be created with potential voters. In this way, political parties can put their own topics and ideas on the agenda, present their positions, and exchange ideas directly with potential voters. Especially with younger groups of the electorate.

In order to counteract the negative impacts and effects of social media, however, people’s media literacy plays an important role. The growing risk that citizens are inadequately or incorrectly informed under online conditions must first and foremost be countered in schools. Only there you can reach all young citizens. Even young people must be taught how to use the Internet and social networks more consciously. Under media literacy, one understands the ability to use media according to one’s own needs and purposes and to be able to deal with them responsibly. Today everyone has to know how to judge media. This also includes an understanding of the opinion-forming function of social media. Citizens of a democracy must critically question information and be aware that social media are not sufficient as the sole source of information. Citizens need to know how to check sources, understand media and discourse, and how to protect social discourse from verbal aggression.
