#MyBrainMyChoice Campaign: Rethink The Drug Policy In Germany

Julia Meisner and Philine Edbauer are the founders of #mybrainmychoice. Philine also deals with drugs at the university. Since 2018 she has been doing research in the master’s program “Modern South and Southeast Asian Studies” at the Humboldt University in Berlin with a focus on “State violence in the name of the ‘drug war’ in the Philippines”.

The 29-year-old was questioned, what needs to be done differently in drug policy? How many times have you heard that your petition would play down drugs?

I expect it every day, but that has never happened before! I would also rather say: Our politics downplay the topic of drugs massively. The state has had the same strategy against drugs since the 1970s, and last year 1,400 people died of it. It is obvious how you can prevent the dead and still nothing is done.

What needs to be done differently in drug policy. How the policies can prevent overdoses?

In principle, we are concerned with saying that death is not inherent in drugs. You don’t automatically die when you take drugs. People who take drugs die from complex, individual circumstances. That’s why it’s called drug accidents. This is due to the fact that people dose incorrectly, that they have no information about the effect or that they get infected with other diseases from used spraying equipment.

 “Harm reduction” in connection with the fight against overdoses

“Harm reduction” means, for example, that syringes are exchanged regularly, that there are consumption rooms, drug checking, and information programs. It’s not about not being allowed to take drugs, it’s about keeping the risk of using it low. People take drugs and have not stopped using them. That’s why people die from drugs. The question should be: How can we prevent this?

What are the concrete measures of “harm reduction”?

Let’s take the example of ecstasy. A different dosage is often a huge problem here. People take more than they want and end up in the hospital. One ecstasy pill can contain 80 milligrams of MDMA, but also 200 milligrams. 200 milligrams can be very dangerous for a small, light-weight person. You can’t see what’s inside the pills and that’s a problem. This is how it comes to overdoses. Such things can be avoided with legal regulation. Drug checking means that the drugs are checked for their ingredients beforehand. This way, consumers know exactly what they are taking. Just like with alcohol, it also says what percentage is in it. If you can check your pill before partying, fewer people will die. This has been proven.

In the same manner, the use of diet pills and other dietary supplements. We all know that there is a huge demand for these products. However, without regulation on this type of drug, people die of overdose or misuse. People are not well-informed of the dangers it may bring. Thus, diet pills or supplements like Leptitox need to educate buyers. Read leptitox reviews before committing on a weight loss regimen that includes this supplement.


How is US Government Responding With the Pandemic

The first reports of coronavirus made its way over blue oceans to the United States in January, or perhaps even earlier.

As March reached its midpoint, it became clear that COVID-19 cases were starting to pick up and that the United States had already ventured past the point of no return. It was during this time that various rules and regulations were put in place to encourage social distancing and to “flatten the curve.”

Up to this day, government rules are being heightened for the United States makes it as top 1 on the most number of positive cases. This is alarming, and indeed it is something that people must realise, that the coronavirus is not just any ordinary flu.

Today, let us find out how the US government is responding to the pandemic and how it is helping its citizens in various states in the country.

A Bewildering response

For European onlookers, the absence of a clear and focused response from the White House is bewildering. By the time President Trump declared a national emergency, several state emergencies had already been called, universities shifted to online learning, and churches began to close.

But America has never shared Europe’s conviction that the state must lead. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the leading national public health institute and US federal agency have attempted to set a benchmark for assessing the crisis and advising the nation, but in this instance, its response has been slowed due to faults in the initial tests it attempted to rollout. The Federal Reserve has moved early to cut interest rates and cut them again even further this week.

Need for public oversight

In the absence of greater coordination and leadership from the centre, the US response will pale in comparison to China’s dramatic moves to halt the spread. The chaos across America’s airports shows the need for public oversight. As New York State Governor Cuomo pleaded for federal government support to build new hospitals, he said: ‘I can’t do it. You can’t leave it to the states’.

When it comes to global pandemics, we may be discovering that authoritarian states can have a short-term advantage, but already Iran’s response demonstrates that this is not universally the case. Over time, the record across authoritarian states as they tackle the coronavirus will become more apparent and it is likely to be mixed.

On a side note, you can check out post office information here https://postofficeshours.com/.

Politics and the Self Storage Zoning Process

The zoning process for self storage units like the self storage in Croydon is typically a tedious process. So, a self storage business requires for more and more preparation. It is also affected by the fact that self storage does not suitably fit into zoning boxes. That’s why most of the self storage facilities are allowed to be located into warehouse areas or industrial zones. 

Self storage units must be located far from the town city center or residential areas.

Yet, the main concern of most customers is the convenience of getting into the self storage facility. This simply means that the customers are looking for self storage units along the nearby areas in order for them to easily visit their things. Unfortunately, there are still politics behind the zoning process of self storage facilities and they are not that good enough to be easily followed. 

Self Storage Zoning Process

Laws and regulations for zoning generally have an orderly procedural step. These are provided to have a systematic approach to develop and utilize the land along a certain jurisdiction. Generally, zoning laws are employed to separate the land within the municipality into different categories like residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, and agricultural.  

Unfortunately, self storage facilities do not fall in any of these categories, but you will need to acquire for a conditional permit. A conditional use permit is covered by the circumstances impose by the governing agency on the project for the purpose of impact mitigation. Public hearings, presentations, and politics are primarily required.

Applying for a Conditional Use Permit

One must need to file an application in order to acquire a conditional use permit for self storage unit. In addition to this, a set of design drawings approved by the governing authority must also be submitted.

  1. The planning staff evaluates the design drawings and a report is subsequently written and handed to the planning commission.
  2. The planning commission facilitates the public hearings to generate public comment and to view the presentation.
  3. Planning commission is responsible for voting your project approval or disapproval.

It is highly recommended to consult the community within the development site prior to acquiring a conditional use permit. Be meticulous in the design drawings and plan of the self storage project. Remember that politics plays a big role in the approval of the conditional use permit and its impact in the way the country’s economy runs.

Top Travel Safety Tips

Nothing ever ruins travel quicker than getting scammed or robbed on. Especially not your valuable things!

This is the core reason why you should really be careful when travelling. Not only that, especially today that almost half of the world is experiencing virus outbreaks, an epidemic, it pays to be very vigilant, careful and safe when travelling places and bumping from one person to another.

Today, I will be of help in making sure you are safe and sound during your upcoming travels. Let’s check out these tips below!

Be Aware of Common Travel Scams

Wherever you travel, people always tend to be ready to trick you out, especially if you are a foreigner, either for their sole purpose of earning cash the bad way. It pays to be vigilant in looking through people’s intentions and get suspicious at the least things. 

Also, make sure to read the local reviews on the place you are going. for sure recent travellers will be published or post a thing or two about their experiences.

Write Down Emergency Info

Always make sure that you have listed a few emergency info and numbers that you can call on whenever an emergency happens. It is also wise to check the state department‘s website or information to make sure you have all the necessary agencies to call to in case of an emergency or accident.

Lock up Your Valuables

There will always be something you can’t afford to have stolen, to ensure that all your valuables are free from getting stolen especially in airports, then make sure that you double-check the locks on your bags and luggage.

Tips in Applying for Visa

Applying for a visa is just like dating. You lay out everything and give it your best shot to impress your interviewer, or just do everything to show them that you are worthy for the visa you are applying for.

Whether your purpose is to migrate, to have a long vacation or to go work in a foreign country. It is still best that you know what to say, to bring and to do when applying for a visa.

Today, I will tell you everything you need to know.

Comply with the Requirements

Your utmost priority is to get every requirement ready. This is pretty obvious in the first place. A tip? Make a list of all the requirements and then gradually comply them, and only go to the embassy when all of it are ready.

Provide as Much Evidence as You Can

One proof is totally fine, but the more you provide them with proof of legimitacy the more you will have the chance of getting approved. The goal here is to ensure them of your identity and of your purpose. So give them as many proof as you can.

Show that You Are a Traveller

You can prove this through travel stamps on your passport, either internationally or locally. Prove to them that you are applying visa for the reason that you travel either for your personal reasons or for work purposes, plus it makes it even more legit if it is for work. Overmore, the goal here to prove to them that your in your previous travels, you always come back and have no reports of overstaying. 

Researching Assignment for Political Science

When you have an assignment for your Political Science subject, it is very essential to do some research on the appropriate topics. However, for some students, this subject is somehow hard to prepare as the topics for ideals of politics are so fragile. Because of this, here is a guideline to an effective researching approach for your Political Science assignment.

Guideline in Doing Research for Political Science Assignment

The activities below may vary based on the topic that you want and on the degree of study. Rearranging the following steps is necessary depending on their level of importance to your topic.

• Identify the topic

Initially, it is important to ensure that you really know the topic of your assignment. Define the primary concepts or the keywords that are playing on your mind for the development of a strategy in doing a research work.

• Collect necessary data

In doing assignment for Political Science subject better to utilize resources like dictionaries and encyclopedias. This is important to be able to seek meaning of words and background data.

• Find information sources

Generally, in doing assignment research of any topic, it is important to find for resources where you can find your data. Look for appropriate books, journal articles or information from the web. These sources may help you gather relevant data for your research assignment.

You may search the Library catalogue when you want to find books and journal articles. Meanwhile, looking for Political Science information on the internet may not be helpful for some time. That’s why when you extract data from this source, it is important to carefully evaluate the web reference.

One of the rich source of data is the internet, however, not all information there are suitable for research use.

• Scrutinize your sources

To provide quality on your assignment, it is helpful if your sources will be evaluated. Analyse the data that you find in a critical way.

• Quote your sources

One of the usefulness of citing your sources is that it helps to avoid plagiarism.

• Prepare your research assignment

After doing those steps and collecting all the data that you need, it is time to make your assignment. In case you are still having a hard time on it, you may visit https://www.makemyassignments.co.uk/make-my-math-homework.html for some assignment ideas.

Teaching Kids About Politics

As parents we all need to anticipate that there will come a time where kids will ask about politics, religion or even sex. Indeed, they are growing and every day they grow a little curious about life. And the best way we can do as parents is to sit down and have a polite conversation with them about these things.

Indeed, we can only wish that this time won´t happen, but it will happen anyway. So today, I will talk you through a few tips you can do to talk with your kids about politics.

About Politics

Politics is alway a timely subject, and it´s often left untouchable which truth be told, it should not be. Especially now that a lot of countries are going through different crisis and this is definitely the perfect time to sit down and talk about this things.

Indeed, as social media has been gone powerful each day, it is time that you get to talk with your children before they even get irrelevant answers in the internet.

This is most likely the time they get all curious and it´s only you who can fed them with the appropriate and positive reverts.


Children Must Learn to Think for Themselves

Yes you guide them but you also have to consider to listen to what your children has to say about these issues, most likely in Politics. After your talk, it is understandable that your children will also do some research themselves to satisfy their cognitive consciousness.  And you have to believe that it is okay and it is part of them growing up.

How Helpful SEO Optimization To Every Country 

People in every part of the world have their own accounts on various social media platforms today. SEO optimization is very helpful in every way as people can get the desired information that could help them. This will help every company to promote their products and services they have and they are offering. Politics is one of the most researchable by every individual in every part of the world. This is where they can get the information they want to know in the country where they want to visit and that excites them to know politics there.

Every website that would like to publish their facts content in politics in every part of the world need to have help from the various SEO companies, that would help them to increase the traffic on the website. SEO services gold coast is one of the most reliable companies that will help the company or your own website to recognize by every individual in the world. We become aware of the things that are happening right now in the world because of the internet and as well as this social media platform that keeps people connected to each other always. 


SEO Optimization To Increase Traffic of the Website 



  • To help promote and give awareness about politics in every part of the world. 


People need to have this kind of awareness about politics in every part of the country. This is where an individual would know the whole transition of politics to the country. Every individual who would search for the information and for educational purposes as well. 


  • Politics embrace by the people by SEO optimization. 


This is where every individual gets the facts about politics in a particular place they would like to. The main reason why a lot of people would embrace the power of politics and its role in society. As politics has an important role in the world. 




The various social media platform is being used today for the business and many more. The SEO company will always be there to increase a website that can be educational or subjective to the people. 


Becoming a Business Consultant the Right Way

Business consultants play a vital role in the business owner’s game plan.  Whether it’s a small business or a big one. Whether it’s to help with the accounting or manage SEO efforts, or the content production, consultants assist to lighten much of the stress linked with those daily tasks. You can also ask for an SEO company Gold Coast to help you in venturing to this career.

You, as the owner of the business, you know your operation better than anybody. You’re aware of the problems that exist within your organization.  But you’re so busy handling the turmoil these problems create that you haven’t been able to remove yourself to examine them accurately.

Also, when you’re considering hiring a business consultant, it’s tough to know where to begin.  So, if you want to know what your basis should be when choosing a business consultant, please continue reading.

Must-Have Faultless Character

First and foremost, what you need is an adequate consultant. That person should be of the highest character. Your consultant should be an absolute professional.

The consultant should be ready to put the best benefit of the client ahead of their own. Also, the consultant should be ready to tell clients the potentials and the drawbacks of their business. Even the things that they need to hear, but may not want to. And even if by doing it also means taking the risk of losing the client.

Compact Experience

The best consultant should have a compact experience with the challenges or opportunities in his/her previous projects. That way, you, as the business owner can be confident of what’s to come. What your consultant should bring to the table is the experience in discussing the varieties of issues you face.

Excellent Communication And Interpersonal Skills

The best consultant you’ll be hiring should be eloquent. The consultant should possess remarkably strong communication and interpersonal skills. Whether orally and in writing, the consultant should be able to balance the two aspects. Needless to say, communication is a two-way street. Conceivably more significant than the consultant’s strength to speak eloquently and write expressively is the capacity to listen

Creative And Analytical Skills

You would want to hire a consultant that has high standards in problem-solving. Because after all, you are engaging yourself to a consultant to help and advise you to solve problems. And that also includes taking advantage of opportunities.


Why People Use Paid Survey In Politics? 

There are many people who would do everything just to be part of the history and transition of politics today. Politics has an important role in the lives of every individual, people who join politics today are those who want to serve the public and some are for their own interests as human beings.

The paid survey can be the best guide of a politician on working with the people or even when they are with their political campaigns. People need to participate in this kind of thing so that they can know what is the importance of communicating with the people around them and being aware of the things people think at the period of time. People use paid surveys in politics for this kind of reason, here are the top benefits you should know. 


Role of Paid Surveys In Politics



  • To connect with the people. 


There are many politicians today who don’t know how to start their strategy as well as how to deliver their things to every individual. This paid survey will help them to determine, the location where their name is fame and which particular place is not. This could help them especially when they are taking their political campaign. The paid survey will probably help them establish the best strategy in winning the election once they know the pulse of the people. 

  1. To get the best strategy. 

If a politician could know the whole desires and their status to the people then they can always choose or think the best strategy for their political campaign. This is a guide for them on how to handle things like this especially if they already know the desire of the people and this paid survey is their reference in making their decisions.




There are many people who would like to start their careers in politics, and thus it is one of the most challenging things. So what they need to do is to have this paid survey as their reference on where to start and how to start things for their career. This is a very good start for every individual who would like to have their career start in politics.

The Role of Basketball in Politics

Politics and basketball are somewhat all exasperating spectacles that are dammit-all and exhilarating.

They are filled with hubris, play, high stakes, and ankle-busting strikes. There are personalities villains at Versace, in shirts. You will find freshmen upstarts along with David and Goliath games, spoilers.

But here is the thing: It is not that politics and basketball are alike from even so the metaphors people use, or the fervor they provoke. It is about this specific moment… that this destiny-defining leap ball.

Here is what I feel this February will be the best of weeks, and what I really mean.

1. Only net, baby! In a matter of weeks, even once the area is narrowed, mounts are stuffed, and candidates and players are trained and educated and toughened up — that the matches will soon change. They will intensify. They will get severe, unpleasant. However, for the time being, the players are loose; limbs that are extended grinning supporting their mouthguards careening all over the area and with the burst.

The candidates are enjoying and loose life. They are pumped up and prepared for the game that was principal. Statements are the form of language also to listen — and to create. They are about large ideas, expectations, vision, and – shots that behold.

The study that is oppositional will begin alongside arguments that are no-holds-barred and the name-calling. However, for the time being, life is great. And applicants and gamers get to enjoy right now.

2. The character of politics that is — and sports. You will find a specific attraction and gangly elegance to school athletes. Hoopsters display to it, I believe, given that the bodies they have yet to develop into. They are still schoolyard Keds for dimension 17 Air Jordans.

Main candidates are awed by being hauled from the seat. They seem really moved by the honor and the job and they stay on the stump.

With time, endorsements have been distributed and if the NBA draft rolls around, the rainbow is going to vanish. Fame and money, favors and T.V. time can are involved. It is inescapable, we state. It is the way we all say. It is politics, we state. However, if everything is said and done, we will overlook this (comparatively) untainted pick-up match.

3. Homecourt benefit. Nominees get to select where they declare, and many typically decide to make it out of their homecourt — at the country or town that defined and found them surrounded by family and friends and fans that do not have to get convinced.

Elizabeth Warren went into the mill city of Lawrence, Massachusetts. Amy Klobuchar stood at a Minnesota blizzard. Cory Booker’s statement movie is really a tribute to his own Newark, N.J. origins. Soon, faculty athletes and hauling into plane seats and applicants will pile onto buses, but for the time being, they are not far away from even the fans who use their colors or home.

4. Sportsmanship prevails. Since the stakes escalate, and so are the fouls and flagrant. Dispersions and elbows will probably be thrown. The games will soon probably heat up, so the urge along with also will temper to win by almost any means.

Gamers and Nominees will maintain an accident. Some will roll staunching a nose’s blot holding a knee. Others will probably be hurt as profoundly as they listen from talking heads to trash talk.

For the time being, however, decorum and principles are stuck to, and competitions large handshake and five graciously.

5. It is anybody’s to win. Every championship season has its own Cinderella story… its own David and Goliath matchup… its own bracket-busting plays and games. That is exactly what makes March rambunctiously, unpredictably MAD. And that is where we will be.

The court with in ground basketball hoop is packed with contenders — over we could keep track of much even bigger than the last Four, although the Sweet Sixteen, Elite Eight Nowadays. New Hampshire pubs and heating up and revving up voters from Iowa coffee stores, South Carolina barbecue joints, along with they are suiting up and barbershops.

Certain shots that get benched, Since the field narrows there’ll be surprises horses that take a direct. Surely there are pundits and prognosticators choosing favorites and putting chances. Some candidates look game-ready and dressed compared to others. However, at this stage in time, it is anyone fun to observe.

And if we forget: We need only return to the previous election cycle to remind ourselves whatever you can — in basketball and politics.


Instagram Is Gradually Changing Traditional Political Communication

Politicians have discovered Instagram for themselves and with it a new form of intimacy – and that will have consequences for the way politicians present themselves in the future and get in touch with the public. For many younger people, Facebook has long since replaced it as the platform of choice. The use of Instagram has roughly doubled worldwide since 2015. No wonder that politicians are also increasingly interested in the platform and many want to jump on the train.

The Politicians On Instagram

Instagram politicians a way to communicate better with their follows and in the same manner provide followers the feeling that they are invited into the lives of the politicians they follow regardless if it is authentic or not. The free flow of entertainment is to some extent an illusion. From an anthropological perspective, all aspects of our identity and communication are intrinsically conveyed through cultural and social norms.

What’s in it for democracy?

People in politics who grasp such trends have an edge over competitors who tend not to take pleasure in them. It is by now hard to answer if a change is beneficial to democracy. In a way, this shift to social forms of communication poses a greater challenge for individuals in evaluating and judging candidates, although this is probably not seen that way. In the end, Instagram is just the latest example of a trend towards individualization in politics, fueled by new technologies.

It is a stroke of luck for those who move like a fish in the water on social networks since in doubt they allow them to rise politically outside of the established party structures. It is quite possible that some will fall by the wayside in this process and that ever-growing inequality between politicians will arise. After all, the naive notion of yore that only democratic forces benefited from social networks has now been shelved in public discourse.

If you are eyeing on using Instagram other than personally other than your political endeavors and want to boost your following, check out meer volgers. It’s possible to get fresh new followers and grow it from there.

Key To Political Campaigns – Communicate Your Concept

If you are on the process of planning out a political campaign, you want to start by outlining your steps first. The first step is to work out the story you want to tell and identify your supporters. A correct stakeholder map, the first step in your design, does not only have to list the parties that are positive about you but also those who are negative about you.

Just as important as those who stand up for you are those who don’t!

Political campaigning in the digital age

Communicate your Concept

After your have outlined your map, transfer your concept to Lasswell’s communication model. It covered all of the key issues in a simple but holistic and adaptable way.

Lasswell’s question is short and pointed:

“WHO says WHAT to WHOM through which MEDIUM with which EFFECT?”

WHO : What makes you special ? What are your skills, your weaknesses, your strengths?

WHAT : What is the goal of your campaign?

MEDIUM : Depending on who you are aiming to connect with, identify the best medium to use. For example, if you want to target people over 60 who live in senior homes, using Instagram is not the medium to reach them. However, if you’re looking to persuade Gen Z in your political efforts, Instagram could be the right medium for your campaign.

EFFECT : With this aspect we come back to the beginning, namely the objective of your campaign. It is crucial to be clear about whether you are trying to get people to vote for or against a particular cause, a particular candidate, or a party, or to launch a political campaign to restore your image Raise awareness or lay the foundation to succeed in a distant election. This decision can significantly change your strategy so that you trigger the intended effect in your target group.

If you can answer all these 5 questions, you have successfully outlined your political concept. If you think you need more than just social media for your cause, you can plan a political website and carefully choose a domain that will represent your advocacy. Use namesilo promo code to get the best domains at discounted rates.

Politics Has An Increasing Eye For The Environment

The attention for sustainability in the election programs is growing. Although the environment is not exactly in the DNA of some parties, there is a growing awareness among them that you can hardly ignore it, says political scientist André Krouwel in BNR Duurzaam.

Sustainable Development and Global Environmental Politics

In the run-up to the parliamentary elections on 15 March, a number of parties stand out in terms of environmental care. GroenLinks has even included the green profile in its name, the Party for the Animals is not worried, but also with PvdA, D66 and ChristenUnie the stewardship – at least on paper – is still in good hands. VNL, PVV, and VVD are the least green, Krouwel observes.

Attention is increasing in recent years. Even parties that are not necessarily known for their pronounced green profile should also go along with the people, it seems. ‘You have to gradually, because the environment now also has an influence on how we produce, on wages and on investments. A party such as the SP, which traditionally relies mainly on themes such as employment conditions, income, and employment, is gradually gaining an environmental profile and seems to be developing into a ‘traditional left-wing party with fairly green positions’.’

Maximum speed

If you are talking about traffic and transport, then soon people think of highways and maximum speeds. With regard to the latter, potential coalition parties in particular soon limited themselves to obligatory one-liners. The VVD strives for optimum safety, but refuses to link speed to it, the CDA tries to give something to that consideration of a concrete interpretation, while the CU simply states 120 as a maximum, concludes Krouwel.


Require motorists to drive electrically by making it mandatory in 2025? Another hot topic and a bridge too far for right-wing parties in particular. At least: for cars. Because scooters seem to be a less sacred cow for the average party. ‘Certainly in cities with a lot of scooters that pollute a lot more than cars, a very good point can be made. And there you see that a party like the PvdA wants to make scooters electric. ”

Also, the use of power tools that effectively saves on electricity is recommended such as the use of the https://knightsandsnails.com/dws779-vs-dws780/.

Public transport

Investing in public transport encounters considerably less resistance. Although several parties take the view that these investments should not be at the expense of improvements to the road network. ‘The Netherlands is a transport country, so you don’t have to levy extra duties. So you see that ‘gray’ parties believe that the economy and the environment must be in balance, without being solely concerned with the environment. ‘ Because is it obvious that greening the economy is creating jobs? “PVV says no, VNL says no, but left-wing parties say yes.”

VAT on airline tickets

VAT and excise duties on airline tickets, to compensate for polluting trips? It still appears to be a tricky issue. Only on short flights, as the SP wants? Always, as advocated by GroenLinks, D66, and PvdA? Or do you focus almost entirely on the runway engine that is aviation? ‘Some parties say: Schiphol needs to grow, it is a very important engine of the local economy, with 80,000 to 90,000 jobs. Are we going to kill all of that? “

The Power of Social Media in Forming Political Opinion

From the world of foreign politics, think more and more parties are actually using social media to share messages throughout the world, which has implications for building opinions to support certain political goals.

The Power of Social Media

How do we get to the point where we can no longer walk back from the world of social media? If Facebook is a country, it could be the biggest country and it will be the third-largest country after China and India.

Social media reduced traditional socio-economic barriers to becoming famous. Perhaps herein lies the main added value of social media, where you don’t have to “be a person” to “be someone” on social media. Housewives, politicians, journalists, government spokesmen, clerics, bureaucrats, artist school children, and activists see and deliberately exploit the potential of social media.

Chat messages on social media have given rise to a reservoir of political energy that suggests new relationships between new media technologies, politics, and public life. This digital technology turned out to be “powerful” enough to be utilized in the process of opinion formation and ongoing activities among community groups.

The downside, hower, is that politicians and other celebrities are deprived of their privacy. Many onlookers are ready to share whatever will capture the interest of the people sharing the tiniest bits of information from the car speakers technology these politicians use to the cars they drive.

What is the main attraction so that people post their work, in the “public”?

Conventional mass media such as newspapers or magazines do not have “success” of this magnitude. The appeal of social media is that the average person, with little or no cutting-edge computer skills, can be successful using them, content can be created and accessed with smartphones, and can be easily intertwined. Links to videos posted on YouTube can embed links on blogs, Facebook and Twitter. In other words, large numbers of people can be easily and cheaply contacted through various services. The beauty that social media brings becomes even more appealing to politicians as they try to capture the hearts of the people.



The Future of Politics in the Hands of the Young Generation

It must be admitted that politics in many parts of the world is still dirty, full of scenarios and falsehoods.

The political process is no longer focused on the realization of people’s welfare, it still depends on the various interests of those who are dominantly involved in politics. This can be seen by the increasing existence of corruption cases among politicians and state apparatus.

Watch the news, even those that had been uploaded on YouTube (YouTube views kaufen) alone shows dirty politics rivaled by different political parties who try to put the other down. People in politics tend to have forgotten that they are there for the people and not for power and dominance.

Corrupt Political System

The lively rat tie that roamed the cycle of bureaucracy and government of many nations makes a huge impact on the global economy. It is a sad reality that there are many people sitting in the government who are entangled in corruption. It is ironic, but it is a bitter truth that we must know.

Larry Diamond said that “the difficulties experienced by many new democracies show that forming a democratic state is an easy thing, while what is often more difficult is the task of maintaining it, consolidate it, as well as provide vitality and meaning to it. The problem is when energy power is used up only to build and concentrate domination, not to serve the people. “

This statement strongly reminds us that the energy of politicians and state officials is drained for their own interests, no longer caring for the message of the people who have given them trust.

In line with this, quoting Robert A. Dahl’s opinion reflects that “leaders in a country whose leaders are driven by insanity of greatness, mental disorders, personal interests, ideology, nationalism, religious beliefs, feelings of inner superiority, or just relying on emotions and conscience, and therefore has exploited the extraordinary ability of nations to achieve their personal goals. “

This also illustrates the political cannibalism that is still very thick reflecting the life of the bureaucracy and government throughout many nations. Good collaboration has not yet been created between political parties, which looks exactly as if there was a political ping-pong competition between political parties.

Every political party is always ready to wait for errors from other political parties to give a ‘smash’ beat to political parties that are considered careless. It is not enough with just that, if a smash is given to the political opponents, then the cannibal nature of the political parties will come out to prey on the heart of the political parties that are lying down and begin to apply the law of the jungle, who is strong then he wins. This is precisely what illustrates politics today.

How Legislators Regulate The Use Of Electric Scooters

Electric scooters for adults, such as those by adultelectricscooters.co.uk, have become a very popular means of transportation in many countries worldwide because of its convenience and ease of use. Because of these, a lot of companies have launched a pay-per-minute e-scooter to accommodate individuals who don’t have own personal electric scooters.

However, after saturating the cities with thousands of e-scooters, these companies have encountered a snag wherein legislators are more and more passing new bills and rules to control their usage.

E-scooter in the United States

In the United States, with regards to understanding as to what is considered and not considered a street-legal e-scooter could become rather perplexing since the federal law of the US governing and regulating electric bikes is usually applied and enforced to e-scooters as well.

  • It is specified in the US2002 Federal Law that for an electric bike to be regarded as street legal, motor power should be under 750W and runs at a maximum speed of not more than 20 mph. If an e-scooter is within this array, a license or registration is not obligatory in the majority of states in the US.
  • E-scooters are permitted on roads that don’t have lanes for bicycles on condition that the speed limit of 25mph isn’t surpassed.
  • US states have varied e-bike specifications, also identified as Personal Light Electric Vehicles. For example, California have allowed PLEVs on pavements, bicycle lanes, and roads, provided that the user is over 16 years old and has a helmet on. New York, on the other hand, has forbidden the use of e-scooters in 2004. Moreover, a $500 fine will be imposed on riders riding a PLEV in the city.
  • It is illegal in some areas in San Francisco to park or leave motorize scooters unattended without a permit from the Municipal Transportation Agency. This is under Section 7.2.111 of the Transportation Code of California Transportation.

E-scooters in the United Kingdom

  • Riding an electric bike in UK is legal provided that it meets particular requirements and that the ride is no less than 14 years old.
  • Identified as an Electrically Assisted Pedal Cycles or EAPC, riders don’t have a need for any license, registration, or insurance to ride or own one. Tax is not imposed as well.
  • While the majority of e-bikes are in general legal in the UK, e-scooters aren’t. E-scooters in the UK are categorized as Personal Light Electric Vehicles. Although they are not subjected to any requirements on registration and taxation, it is illegal to use e-scooters in public and is limited to use on privately owned land.



Government Benefits For People With Alzheimer’s Disease

There are many government welfare programs and state government services that are extending help to Alzheimer’s patients and their families. Help comes in the form of support to pay for medical and other expenses related to the disease. Should you be having problems paying relating to continuous care or medical cure for yourself or for a family member, you might be entitled to one or more federal programs intended for dementia care.

For families who want to ensure the safety of their loved ones suffering from the disease, consider using the help of gps tracker for dementia (gps tracker til demente). This device is especially useful to avoid parents or grandparents from stowing away without your knowledge.


This kind of health insurance plan by the government is intended for people at the age of 65 or higher who are generally getting Social Security retirement living benefits, or people beneath age 65 with specific disabilities.

Medical insurance can pay for some however, not all services that Alzheimer’s patients may require. Medicare does give attention to medical emergencies, paying for medical treatment, prescription medications, and hospitalization. Medicare usually does not pay for continuous treatment, but in some cases, it can remain in a skilled care facility or home care for about 100 days. Patients with Alzheimer’s have to satisfy certain qualification requisites to obtain Medicare support.


This particular government program is generally given through a state agency intended for people in addition to families with low profits and assets. Qualifications plus benefits differ from in every state.

Contrary to the Medicare program, Medical planning may meet all or even some of the nursing house or continuous care expenses. Yet, people with Alzheimer’s can be eligible for this insurance provided that they’ve fulfilled particular requisites, mainly low income, and low capital assets. Unfortunately, people who have Alzheimer’s could be eligible soon after making use of their assets credited to the considerable expenses of Alzheimer’s care.

Social Security

The government program gives retirement money, disability compensation and various payments for social security members who have made contributions. Payments are given to retirees and their dependents.

Apart from what’s already been stated above, there are other benefits specifically created by the government to support those who are suffering from Dementia. You can also check Veterans Benefits Programs, State and Local Benefits Programs, State and Area Agencies on Aging, and the State Departments of Health and Social Services (DHSS).
